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 August 2017 Newsletter

In this issue:


5 New Insights Into EMV Implementation
The U.S. Payments Forum released its summer 2017 market snapshot, providing updates on the progress of the U.S. Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) migration.”      Read More Here

Triple E News

Allied Electronics Think Tank 2017

Triple E recently attended and presented at Allied Electronics’ 5th annual customer conference. Read what Allied had to say about the event below:

“The past, present, and future converged at Think Tank 2017 as attendees again joined Allied Electronics at the Loews Hotel in historic downtown Philadelphia.

Allied shared details on recent enhancements including the virtual dispenser & DPT simulator, cloud-based dashboard, and the EPS solution.

Partners shared details on everything from iPad based POS systems to power protection, to even lottery at the pump. These partners were each given intimate breakout sessions with decision makers throughout the industry.

Attendees were then bused to Allied’s hometown of historic Bristol, PA and treated to a “Happy Hour” tour of the company’s new headquarters on the Delaware River followed by a luau down the street at the residence of Allied’s president Ron Walker.

View the original article here.

AutoUpdater: Upgrade Your Sites on Your Schedule

Did you know that if your sites are running version 4.5211 or higher, you have the capability to upgrade your systems without Triple E assistance? AutoUpdater is an easy to use application that allows you to have the latest Triple E software automatically downloaded to your system. The upgrade process typically only takes 5-15 minutes and varies slightly depending on your site environment.

To learn how to use AutoUpdater, please refer to this user guide or contact our Customer Support Department.

Other Important Information

Windows XP No Longer Supported

We are requiring that all customers upgrade their Triple E systems from Windows XP to Windows 7. Microsoft support for XP ended as of April 2014. Triple E has continued to support Windows XP past this date in an effort to provide ongoing support to our customers, but we have recently shifted our resources towards supporting Windows 7 to provide safer, more reliable products. If you still have systems running XP, contact our Sales Department at (888) 407-6077 to discuss your next steps.


Requirements for CHS Customers
All CHS customers are required to have a PaySafe device and must be running OneTouch Suite Version 5.113. If you need assistance upgrading your systems to 5.113, contact our Customer Support Department. For questions regarding your PaySafe device, refer to this document and contact your managed firewall provider.

Remote Access and PCI Compliance 
PCI mandates that you keep remote connections closed when they are not needed. We incorporate this into our internal procedures by requiring our technicians to request permission  every time they need to access your site remotely for troubleshooting purposes. You should follow the procedures in your company information security policy to close your connection after technicians access your site. For more information, refer to the PA-DSS Implementation Guide.


Upgrading Your Pumps or POS?   Please contact Technical Support. 
To ensure everything will still function properly after your upgrade, please contact us to create a plan and make adjustments as necessary at (888) 407-6077 or  helpdesk@e3tek.com.

Training Information

Free Training

Live Training Every Wednesday at 1:00PM (PST) 
We now offer group training sessions every week. Click here to contact us and receive an invite. 

The following is our August training schedule. If you have a training portal account, you can click on the links to view the associated videos for each topic.

Online Training
The online training at training.e3tek.com includes written instructions and short how-to videos that you can access at any time from anywhere! For a user name and password to access these videos, contact us here.

Sales Information

Upcoming Trade Shows

POC 2017
September 5-7
Booth #707

Need new systems?

Interested in a demonstration of our products?

Contact our Sales Department.


New Equipment Available
We are excited to announce that we now have a way for you to capture images with transactions completed at your Island Card Reader! The SecurVision Sentinel captures a high resolution digital image when a customer selects a pump after swiping a card or when their card is declined. When the transaction completes, the captured photo will be automatically associated with the sale, allowing you to view it within DataManager from your Navigator or home office.

Tips and Tricks


Products and Features

DataManager Logos

Did you know that OneTouch Suite Version 5.113 now gives you the capability to upload your own logo to reports?
To change your report logo, open DataManager and click File > Change Report Logo. From there, navigate to the appropriate folder, select the image you’d like to use, then click Open. You will receive a Success popup when the change is complete, and the logo you selected will be instantly applied to your reports.
If you’d like more information about DataManager logos, contact our Training Department. To get more details about upgrading to 5.113, contact our Customer Support Department.

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Triple E Technologies, LLC.

119 East 3rd Avenue

Post Falls, ID 83854

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